Below is an abbreviated CV. For the full version, click here.


University of Alabama at Birmingham 2023-
Associate Professor
University of Alabama at Birmingham 2019-2023
Affiliate Fellow Conceptual Foundations of Conflict Project, USC 2022-2024
Visiting Research Prof/Faculty Fellow CEPA/Murphy Institute, Tulane University 2020-2021
Assistant Professor University of Alabama at Birmingham 2014-2019
Law and Philosophy Fellow
UCLA 2012-2014
Visiting Assistant Professor
St. Bonaventure University
Visiting Assistant Professor Virginia Tech
Visiting Assistant Professor Carleton College
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Maryland-College Park


Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park (2008)
M.A., University of Maryland-College Park (2005)
B.A., University of Virginia (2002)


  1. Simply Responsible: Basic Blame, Scant Praise, and Minimal Agency. Oxford University Press. (2023)

  2. Agency in Mental Disorder: Philosophical Dimensions. Edited volume, with Joshua May. Oxford University Press. (2022)

Journal Articles

  1. “Attending to Blame.” Philosophical Studies 177(5): 1423-1439. (2020)

  2. "Skepticism About the Standing to Blame." Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility 6. (2019)

  3. "Moral Responsibility and Mental Disorder," w/ Josh May. Neuroethics 11: 11-22 (2018).

  4. "Against Personifying the Reasonable Person." Criminal Law & Philosophy 11: 723-732 (2017).

  5. “Manipulation Arguments and the Moral Standing to Blame.” Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 9: 1-20 (2015).

  6. “Traction without Tracing: A (Partial) Solution for Control-Based Accounts of Moral Responsibility.” European Journal of Philosophy 22: 463-482 (2014).

  7. “Two Faces of Desert.” Philosophical Studies 169: 401-424 (2014).

  8. “The Problem with Manipulation.” Ethics 124: 65-83 (2013).

  9. “Moral Responsibility and Merit.” Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 6: 1-17 (2012).

  10. “Moral Responsibility and Consciousness,” w/ Peter Carruthers. Journal of Moral Philosophy 9: 200-228 (2012)

  11. “The Problem with Negligence.” Social Theory and Practice 35: 577-595 (2009).


Book Chapters

  1. “The Standing to Blame.” In M. Kiener (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Responsibility. (forthcoming)

  2. "Responsibility and Consciousness," w/ Peter Carruthers. In D. Nelkin and D. Pereboom (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Moral Responsibility. Oxford University Press. (2022)

  3. "The Boundaries of Negligence." In G. Pavlakos and V. Rodriguez-Blanoc (eds.), Agency, Negligence, and Responsibility. Cambridge University Press. (2021)

  4. “Tracing the Epistemic Condition.” In P. Robichaud and J.W. Wieland (Eds.), Responsibility: The Epistemic Dimension. Oxford University Press. (2017)

  5. “Ethics and Action.” In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge (2015).

  6. “Praising and Blaming,” with Mark van Roojen, in Speech Actions, ed. Sbisá and Turner. Mouton de Gruyter: 467-501 (2013).